Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation

Most of the promoters are still struggling to get into the new era.

Working on conventional model and not able to attract more traffic, convert leads and gain new customers.

Thinking how to do it?
Can we do it?
Is it for us?

Every product is first seen, heard and presented digitally and then it actually goes to the next phase. Artificial intelligence and data analytics have made marketing more detailed and efficient. Digital brand communication done right in time converts leads into opportunities and connects the product to its relevant buyer in a smarter way.

  • We reframe the whole brand for you around todays new age technology using artificial intelligence and data analytics which have made marketing more detailed and efficient through..
    • Online Market placement
    • Consumer Engagement
    • Technical CRM upgrades
    • Automated marketing programs

Live interactive events

Online product launch

Interactive product demos
Digital Conferences
Zone wise
marketing programs
Discount attractions
We create
Well integrated
Online platforms

LinkWave is your brand booster and transforms the way you market and sell your products. We work on a simple 4 pillar program Inspect, Invent, Identify, Interact, further build it in your system with a frame of Consistency.

We Inspect the loose ends and Invent digital marketing tools, Identify with the right target audience through Digital media campaigns, Social media management, E-mail marketing plans, Mobile marketing, Media Plans and other platforms to optimise your online presence and promote your brand with a Interaction strategy to get the maximum ROI in place.

Inbound enquiries are a result of well-planned advertising efforts. Using optimised online marketing plans we turn prospects into customers and then keep track of increasing sales bar and reducing per customer acquisition cost to increase ROI.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), SMM (Social Media Management), Social media advertising, Data analytics for research and review, Re-targeting customers, all this is activated to generate more traffic.